Self-Care During Uncertain Times

The whole world has changed practically overnight, and we wanted to reach out, connect, and share a bit about how our team is taking care of ourselves during this time. Here at Beauty Professional Look, we see self-care as weaving a bit of ritual and intention into our day. There is no right or wrong way to do it; all that matters is that it feels nourishing so that we can show up for the world with a fuller cup.
We asked our team what their favorite ways to practice self-care are, and here is what we found:
1. Beauty routine presence: “I make it a point to eliminate distractions during my morning and nightly beauty routine. It is important for me to keep my phone out of the room and to dedicate that precious time to be fully present, especially if I know that I may not get much alone time that day. I embrace and enjoy the process of washing my face, moisturizing, and putting my makeup on. I want it to feel GOOD, rather than like something that I have to get over with- so I truly treat it like a ritual rather than a boring old routine. This can include lighting a candle, playing some music, and anything else I feel called to do to bring some more zen to the environment. It’s a mini-spa moment- even if it only lasts 5 minutes!"
2. Embrace the slowing down process during social distancing: So many of us are used to a go-go-go lifestyle. It’s super tempting to try and make the MOST of this time at home. To get that proposal done. To start that new business idea. To catch up on all of the things we’ve been putting off. Permitting ourselves to truly slow down can be such a gift during these crazy times. Slowing down can look like journaling, self-reflection, naps, long walks, getting cozy and reading a novel, taking a bath, meditation, or doing something creative. “Sometimes I have to remind myself that it’s okay to take some time to enjoy being in the moment, rather than always trying to make it super productive.
3. Stay connected: Remember that you are not alone and it’s okay to reach out. Our team has been making an extra effort to stay connected to our loved ones via text, phone calls, and video chats while we work from home. “My friends and I have planned a group video chat on our Friday nights. It makes a difference! I also signed up for a virtual dance party for Sunday night… can’t wait to see how that goes!
4. Move your body: Some ways to avoid stagnancy and help relieve some nerves: Take an online yoga or workout class, dance to your favorite music. Get outside if possible. “Choosing to move my body in a way that FEELS GOOD or FUN, rather than doing a specific type of workout because I think I “should”, has been such a game-changer for me!”
5. Take up a new hobby: Always wanted to learn how to knit? Bake? Finally ready to pick up that guitar? You-tube provides an endless sea of tutorials, and now it can be a great time to try out that thing that feels exciting and new.
6. Offer help, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help: This can look as simple as checking in on relatives, friends, neighbors… even offering to get some groceries for an elderly person. It could also include supporting small businesses by buying their products or transferring money to someone who has lost their income during this time. “I have chosen not to cancel, but rather to reschedule my plans which have been impacted by the shutdowns- so that I can help the businesses I support, STAY in business!” Finally, if you are the one who needs support, please reach out to someone!
7. Be easy on yourself: Know that you are doing more than enough, and it's okay if you're not feeling as centered as usual. These unprecedented times call for gentleness towards ourselves as we learn how to adapt to our new normals.
We are all in this together, and we hope that this list has provided you with some helpful ideas! Please don’t hesitate to stay connected to us via social media, and perhaps share with us what has been working for you as well!
With Warmth,
The BPL Team